Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Potato Salad Recipes - Shredded

Potato salad recipes should adopt the shredded potatoes as the main ingredients. There are two important reasons for this in my opinion, i.e. potato shreds are so thin that it is easier for the seasonings to go into them. Only then can we taste the seasoned potato shreds. The second reason for this is that the potato shreds are easy to get done, being edible.

Cold dishes or salads are different from stir frying and boiling. The ingredients for salads are supposed to be raw but edible. In this respect, such fruit-like vegetables such as cucumber and carrots have their advantages. However, when shredded finely enough, the potato can be cooked by staying in hot water for some time.

As we all know, potato is something that both the West and the East love. But the shredded potatoes are seldom used in the Western dishes. (Correct me if I am wrong.) I cannot find the exact reason. Whatever the reason is, we are sharing recipes for potato salad here. If you come from the West, then you might want to try these potato salad recipes. If you come from the East and might have already cooked this, then share your story with us.

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